Garlic has long been called the “wonder drug” and for good reasons:
Garlic is a natural anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal. It is also a powerful antioxidant and immune booster with anti-inflammatory benefits. The two main medical ingredients which produce the garlic health benefits are allicin and diallyl sulphides. Allicin is produced when garlic is crushed or chopped and creates antibiotics and anti-fungal benefits of garlic. Diallyl sulphides are also created with chopping of garlic and survive cooking but are not antifungal like Allicin.
How to Prepare Garlic-
• Garlic is most effective when crushed or chopped and when raw.
• Only 1 clove a day will improve your health
• Cooking- wait until the last 10 minutes to add the garlic.
• Do NOT microwave garlic -it kills the active ingredients.
• Sulphides break down in the body within a few hours. For maximum health benefit have "a little often" and not one large daily dose.
Anti-Bacterial – A huge problem with most antibiotics is that bacteria develops resistance to them, but this is not the case with garlic! Garlic can ward off bacteria, Including: Listeria, Salmonella, E. coli, Cryptococcal meningitis, Candida albican and Staphylococcus.
Natural Health Benefits
Detoxifies and Cleans the blood- potentially inhibiting cancer cell growth
Heart and cardiovascular system- keeps them healthy by lowering the levels of "bad" cholesterol and also is good for overall blood circulation
Immune system- as an anti-oxidant it is wonderful for fighting off a cold and the Flu. Use 2-3 cloves until symptoms subside.
Fights respiratory diseases
Lowers blood sugar- has been known to aid in diabetes
Kills herpes on contact – When used raw and topically, HOWEVER, it is know to cause burns and harm the skin. For this reason I suggest Aloe or Raw apple cider vinegar (see past Blogs)
Acne- When used raw and topically, HOWEVER, it is know to cause burns and harm the skin. For this reason I suggest Emu Oil, Vitamin E. Aloe, or Raw apple cider vinegar (see past Blogs) FYI: Acne is a sign of an agitation in the environment or in your diet!
Natural Bug repellant- (and people repellant) – I find this most useful for days in the office when I want to be left alone. Kidding and off subject buy try this yummy smelling remedy to repel bugs from your home and body: 1/2 ounce citronella oil, 1/4 ounce lavender oil, 1/8 ounce pennyroyal oil, 1/8 ounce tea tree oil, 1/8 ounce jojoba oil Warning: Do not use this blend undiluted on your skin. Dilute with 16 ounces of Vodka.
Warning: There is such a thing “As to much of a good thing.” Please read possible health problems and side effects. Before taking garlic or any other supplement, consult your doctor.
Side-Effects: Eating too much raw garlic can cause irritation or damage to the digestive tract. Possible garlic allergies include skin rash, temperature and headaches. Garlic could potentially disrupt anti-coagulants, so it's best avoided before surgery. Let your Doctor know if you are taking this or any other supplements.
More Information and Cures:
I am not a physician. This information is intended for educational purposes only and is not intended for medical counseling. If you have a serious medical conditions please contact a medical or health professional.
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